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The Best Ways To Store Coffee

Did you Know That?

Once coffee is roasted, it is perishable. Roasted coffee is also very absorbent and will retain moisture and odor if left exposed. 

Three environmental factors will most affect the flavor andshelf-life of your coffee: light, air, temperature and type of grind.


We, at Piccolo, recommend that you store your coffee in a nonporous, airtight container or sealed package, away from natural light, as light will break down the coffee oils. 


The key is to store your coffee at a temperature that suits your personaltaste preference. The cooler the coffee the smoother or softer the flavor, whereas coffee kept in warmer conditions will develop a stronger, sharper flavor. Warmer temperatures will result in a shorter shelf life. Best to maintain at a stable temperature


Coffee is best stored in whole bean form, as ground coffee is more vulnerable to environmental conditions and will have a shorter shelf life, but it all depends on your preference and convenience.

If you are running short of your home coffee supply, check out our offer.

Stay safe and drink good coffee!